1.No matter how much we do not like it, the interactions are crucial to get work done.
2.Shortcuts in BlackBerry messaging can be a real boon when your trying to get work done quickly.
3.Kate was right on the cusp of a wonderful career, but for a few months, she couldn't get work and had to return to her job at the lunch bar.
4.She saw that she would first need to get work and establish herself on a paying basis before she could think of having company of any sort.
5.So I'm going to talk about work, specifically why people can't seem to get work done at work, which is a problem we all kind of have.
6.As a result, your ability to get work done is often dependent upon your ability to perform research.
7.UCM projects allow you to group the necessary components together with a stream to provide the environment needed to get work done.
8.But we also like the fact that part of the team is based in a different time zone, as we can get work done around the clock.
9.They find it too hard to get work, too easy to get welfare and too tempting to breed.
10."It's better than going hungry, " said Carrie. "If you don't want me to do that, why don't you get work yourself? "